Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 halaman 38 Task 6 Work in groups. Choose two captions from the previously given captions. Discuss with your friends by focusing on three things: 1) whether they are good, 2) what messages they express, and 3) what grammar is used. Pembahasan soal kali ini terdapat pada buku bahasa Bahasa Inggris kelas XII Kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018.
Pada halaman 38, Chapter 3 “Creating Captions” buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 merupakan lanjutan tugas sebelumnya, di mana kalian telah mengerjakan soal Task 5 Work In Pairs Refer To The Pictures In Previous Task 1 di halaman 37! Berikut ini pembahasannya!
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 38
Task 6: Work in groups.
Choose two captions from the previously given captions. Discuss with your friends by focusing on three things:
1) whether they are good,
2) what messages they express, and
3) what grammar is used.
Answer :
Caption number six is good. The message they express is about doing something silly with your friend is more fun than laughing alone. Caption number six uses present tense for the word ‘Friendship’.
Caption number 7 is good. The message they express is about everyone have different way for learning. If we know the right way, it can be more understandable for them. Caption number 7 uses present tense.
Baca Juga Pembahasan Soal Halaman 39:
Task 1: What’s the caption?
Look at the following picture and write a caption for the picture.
Jawaban soal diatas, buka disini: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 39
Demikian kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 38 Task 6 Work in groups. Choose two captions from the previously given captions. Discuss with your friends by focusing on three things pada buku Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018. Semoga dapat membantu dan menambah semangat belajar siswa. Terimakasih!